GWGP has the utmost respect and bunches of love for the vignerons dedicated to nurturing old vines, and making great wine from their bounty. We believe old vines enrich the entire wine experience – often boasting the best spots in a vineyard, they bring truly excellent flavours and complexity to the table, enhance a wine's story (think about what those vines have seen?!), and ultimately heighten enjoyment for the drinker. Not to mention the robust sustainability benefits.
With this in mind we're delighted to announce we're the FIRST ever retail member of the Old Vine Conference! This wonderful group is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of old vine viticulture globally. You can read more about the truly excellent work this outstanding initiative has done, and what it has planned here:
Discover our old vine collection with nearly 100 different old vine wines. The vines have at least 40 years under their belt, ensuring each bottle is packed full of flavour, terroir and history.